How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take in Massachusetts?

Reaching a settlement after a car accident in Massachusetts will depend on various factors affecting your case. Each accident is unique in the circumstances surrounding its events. To better understand a timeline for compensation, a Massachusetts car accident lawyer in Boston can explain the facets that comprise a personal injury case and the timelines that apply.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Provides Immediate Relief

Massachusetts’ no-fault insurance coverage requires that each driver carry PIP coverage to compensate for a designated amount of damage. It will cover up to $8000 for both medical expenses and lost wages. Your insurance will require specific documentation to cover these damages once a claim has been submitted, and lost wages are compensated at 75%.

PIP benefits are generally paid out within 30 days of a claim’s submission. Challenges to these payments can occur if the insurance company delays or undervalues your injuries. Even with the insurance company’s ability to seek reimbursement from the at-fault driver’s carrier, insurance brokers work to ensure their expenses are covered, leaving the injured victim lacking compensation.

A Lawsuit Can be Filed, and a Settlement Reached in Months

Medical injuries must total more than $2000 and have resulted in severe injuries such as permanent disfigurement, broken bones, and a significant loss of bodily function to file a lawsuit. The time required to reach a car accident settlement is influenced by the strength of the evidence supporting your claim and the at-fault driver’s insurance’s desire to fight back. Arguments they may give to reduce your compensation include:

  • Your injuries did not result entirely from the accident but from previous injuries.
  • You failed to follow the treatment protocol prescribed by the medical team and treating physicians.
  • Documentation post-accident reflects that your injuries are not as substantial as you claim.

These are a sample of the tactics an insurance company will use to stall, delay, or refuse to settle a claim. If you work with a car accident lawyer in Massachusetts who can prove these claims are false, it is more likely the insurance company will settle without going to court, which can take months.

Going to Court Requires a Longer Commitment of Time

If the insurance company feels they can unfound the evidence provided, a case may require litigation in court. The time it takes to complete litigation can be influenced by the court’s caseload, preparation for litigation, and the presentation of information and arguments for and against a car accident settlement. The average litigation time takes approximately two to three years until a verdict is reached.

While this timeframe seems impossible, an experienced personal injury attorney in Boston will be at the ship’s helm, ensuring proper case navigation. Your legal representative’s role is to provide the support you need while seeking fair compensation for your injuries, allowing you time to recover.

Claims for Uninsured or Underinsured Drivers May Settle Sooner

Filing a claim through your insurance to compensate for damages caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver will require an arbitration process. It will be up to the injured party to prove the other driver’s negligence caused the accident, and the accident led to your injuries. The length of time for arbitration is influenced by the damages that are being sought.

Settle a Massachusetts Car Accident Claim More Efficiently

Cashman Law Firm provides exceptional representation and efficient service when you need to reach a car accident settlement in Massachusetts. While we cannot promise set timeframes, we will ensure efficiency in the procedure, unwavering support, and the substantial documentation a case needs to prevent delays. Schedule your free case evaluation today.