Coping with Emotional Distress After Medical Malpractice

Boston Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical professionals in Boston have a duty to treat their patients with care and respect. Unfortunately, not all healthcare providers uphold this responsibility. Each year, Boston residents suffer injuries and illnesses due to the negligence of medical providers.

Most doctors and nurses are heroes. They work incredibly hard and often receive little or no thanks for their important work. But there are some exceptions. Preventable medical errors take place far more often than anyone cares to recognize.

Medical Malpractice causes the deaths of approximately 250,000 people a year, making it the third leading cause of death in America, behind only cancer and heart disease, according to a recent study by physicians at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The number of deaths each year from malpractice is equivalent to two commercial airliners full of passengers crashing every day for a year. Despite the large number of preventable deaths, only a small fraction of healthcare providers are ever held accountable because the surviving family members often do not realize malpractice has occurred.

If you are a victim of medical malpractice, the Cashman Law Firm can help. Our firm has years of experience representing Boston residents in their medical malpractice lawsuits, and we will fight diligently for your right to justice. Contact a Boston medical malpractice lawyer from our firm today at (978) 595-0601 and receive a free consultation.

Why Choose Us for Your Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Boston

  • Our firm is dedicated to securing the highest possible settlement in your claim. In the past four years alone, we have recovered over $7.5 million on behalf of our clients.
  • We provide personalized attention and dedication to each and every case. We will directly communicate with you throughout your case so you can ask questions and raise any concerns.
  • We have a strong reputation in the Boston legal community. We have a five out of five Avvo rating and have been named in the Top 40 under 40 National Trial Lawyers.

What Is Considered Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor, nurse, surgeon, or any other medical professional commits an error while on the job. If this error harms a patient, the at-fault provider would be liable for any damages that the patient suffers.

For an act of negligence to be considered medical malpractice, the at-fault provider must have acted in a way that another provider would not have. You will need to show that a reasonable healthcare professional with similar training and background would not have taken the same actions that the negligent provider did.

What Are Some Examples of Medical Malpractice?

There are many types of medical malpractice. Some of the of the most common examples include:

It can be difficult to know whether you have experienced medical malpractice. If you are injured at a Boston-area hospital or clinic, speak to an attorney at the Cashman Law Firm as soon as possible.

Our firm has years of experience representing medical malpractice victims. We can carefully evaluate your case and help you identify your optimal path to compensation.

Compensation Available for Victims of Medical Malpractice in Boston

An act of medical malpractice can lead to significant injuries. You could require additional medical care that results in thousands of dollars in bills. You could miss days or even weeks of work and experience significant physical and emotional turmoil.

By filing a Massachusetts medical malpractice lawsuit, you can hold the at-fault provider accountable for the harm that he or she did to you. In your claim, you have the right to recover two categories of damages: economic and non-economic.

  • Economic damages involve your financial losses, such as the following.
  • Past and future medical expenses, including hospitalizations, surgeries, and prescription medications
  • Lost wages during your treatment and recovery periods
  • Loss of future earnings if you are unable to return to work due to your injuries
  • The cost of rehabilitation, physical therapy, and any disability accommodations that you now need

On the other hand, non-economic damages refer to the physical and emotional pain and suffering that you experienced. Examples of pain and suffering damages include the following.

  • Mental anguish
  • Emotional distress
  • Chronic pain
  • Permanent disability
  • Depression and anxiety
  •  Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Abuse and neglect

A Boston medical malpractice attorney from the Cashman Law Firm can help you take inventory of your damages and calculate the settlement that you deserve. Your lawyer will carefully examine all pieces of evidence and accurately estimate the compensation that you will need to pay for medical care, wage replacement, and everything else associated with your medical malpractice claim.

How to Prove Negligence in a Massachusetts Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

To prove a medical malpractice lawsuit in Massachusetts civil court, you will need to clearly establish the medical provider’s liability. Specifically, you and your attorney will need to gather evidence to prove the following four facts.

  • The medical provider owed you a duty of care. All medical providers owe a professional duty to patients that they treat in a formal capacity, such as at a hospital or clinic.
  • The medical provider breached his or her duty of care through a negligent act or omission.
  • The medical provider’s breach of duty of care caused your injury and resulting damages.
  • You suffered damages as a result of the medical malpractice that you can claim in your lawsuit.

There are several pieces of evidence that you could leverage to prove your right to compensation. For example, your medical records can establish the nature and extent of the injuries and the negligent acts that the professional took.

Your attorney can also consult with expert witnesses, such as medical professionals, who can evaluate the provider’s actions and determine whether negligence occurred. These parties may testify on your behalf in your lawsuit.

What We Do to Prove You Are Owed Compensation for Your Losses 

Why should you hire a Boston medical malpractice lawyer in your situation? Each one of our clients is faced with the need to make big decisions after a medical malpractice case, and there is often a lot on the line – needing financial compensation to recover and overcome the challenges that this new concern has created. There are several key ways we work to support our clients’ specific needs.

We Get the Information They Need

One of the most important ways we help our clients is by getting the data that you need to prove your case. That may include getting medical records from the hospital that are otherwise hard to access. We talk to the staff and witnesses to get more information and clarity on the details so there is no stone left unturned. We examine and analyze the details of your case to ensure that all of the data you need is available to you.

We Turn to Expert Witnesses for Even More Information

Medical malpractice is often difficult because it takes an understanding of medical conditions, injuries, procedures, and much more. Since most people do not go to medical school, having that insight is challenging. Yet, our experience working as medical malpractice attorneys means we can be there, we will be able to understand the terminology, and we will provide our clients with the support they need. We hire the medical expert witnesses you need to prove your case.

We Handle the Insurance Company

Medical malpractice comes with some of the toughest insurance adjusters and attorneys in the industry because there are often millions of dollars on the line. You need an equally aggressive team that can manage the insurance company attorneys with confidence and positive results. Our experience enables us to know their tricks and to create legal strategies that can help you overcome even the biggest hurdles.

We Get Results

Hands down, the most important thing we do for our clients is to get them the results they need. In every situation, we recognize the losses our clients have suffered, and we work diligently to fight for their protection. We know what is on the line, and we are ready to fight for you. Take some time to ask us about our case results. We are happy to share testimonials from clients who may have gone through similar concerns that you are now facing. Expect results.

Know That You Are Not Alone 

Medical malpractice can seem like an overwhelming, difficult-to-understand area of the law, and rightfully so. Yet, as your attorneys, The Cashman Law Firm will remain by your side through it all. Our Boston medical malpractice attorneys have years of experience fighting for our clients. Yet, as often as we see these difficult situations, we do not overlook or become blind to just how much this mistake made by someone you trust has impacted your life. Let us fight back for you with our resources and expertise.

Do You Need a Boston Medical Malpractice Lawyer?

Medical malpractice claims can be very complex. They often require significant amounts of evidence and expert testimony. After a recent injury, navigating the litigation process can feel overwhelming. In these situations, you need an attorney who can guide you through the process.

The Boston medical malpractice lawyer at the Cashman Law Firm is here to help your case. Our firm can launch an in-depth investigation into the incident and gather the evidence that you need to prove the at-fault provider’s liability. We can represent you during negotiations, prepare a compelling case for the courtroom, and help you understand each step of the process.

When you hire a medical malpractice lawyer, you gain an advocate who will support you throughout the litigation process. If you suspect that you are the victim of medical negligence, contact our firm as soon as possible to discuss your case eligibility.

Speak to a Medical Malpractice Attorney at the Cashman Law Firm

If you are injured due to the actions of a medical professional, you deserve justice. The Boston medical malpractice lawyer at the Cashman Law Firm can help you secure the settlement that you need to recover.

Medical professionals in Boston have a duty to treat their patients with care and respect. Unfortunately, not all healthcare providers uphold this responsibility. Each year, Boston residents suffer injuries and illnesses due to the negligence of medical providers.

If you are a victim of medical malpractice, the Cashman Law Firm can help. Our firm has years of experience representing Boston residents in their medical malpractice lawsuits, and we will fight diligently for your right to justice. Contact us today at (978) 595-0601 to schedule your free consultation and discuss your next steps.